Nathan Cornelius - 7/28/08 - 8:00 pm - 8 lbs - 21.5"

Early last week, I accidentally got some water in/on Kaylee's mouth when I was getting her head wet for washing - she stopped splashing and stuck out her bottom lip and tongue to sort of catch it. I resoaked the washcloth and ran a slow trickle over her mouth and she did it again. I showed Jamie a night or two later and we've been doing it - mostly for our amusement, but she seems to like it - every night since. Cracks us up how she stops splashing, then goes right back to it when the water stops running on her mouth. And yes, we use clean water and do this before we wash her with soap.
Mommy loves me this I know,
For she always tells me so.
"Little one," she says to me,
"I love you 'cause you're so sweet."
Yes, Mommy loves me.
Yes, Mommy loves me.
Yes, Mommy loves me,
And she always tells me so.
(sometimes the "'cause you're so sweet" gets changed to "please go to sleep" or "it's time to eat")
I haven't copyrighted it :-) so feel free to use it, keeping or changing the word to fit your need...Daddy, Grampa, Gramma, Grandma, Poppy, Nana, Uncle, Auntie, etc...
Our little roly poly has been rolling over from front to back for about 3 weeks, but it looks like she'll soon be rolling back to front, as well! She just hasn't quite figured out how to get her arm out of the way yet... Guess we'll be babyproofing sooner than expected!! She actually spun herself in a complete circle on a quilt today with her head as the pivot point...was funny to watch!