Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun with baby brother

Kaylee thought it would be funny to cuddle with Andy before naptime - she gave a big smile, then wanted a picture of her and Andy with them both "sleeping."

I'm pretty sure it was just gas, but Andy was smiling for quite a while this afternoon and I managed to capture a grin here. They're usually pretty fleeting, but I had time to get the camera and take this photo, even with our camera's super slow shutter speed.

Tummy time!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fingers Crossed

Yesterday after eating, Andy was relaxed and lying in my lap and he clasped his hands together with all his fingers intertwined; it was very cute...and reminiscent of another baby who did the same thing at a week old!

Andy, at 10 days old:

big sister Kaylee, at 7 days old:

Those 3 extra days of life must have taught him to put all his fingers together just the right way; Kaylee was off by a finger. :)

P.S. I swear I did not pose either of these photos! They did the finger crossing completely on their own.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

First Bath

Andy got his first bath at home last night. His umbilical cord stump hasn't fallen off, so he can't be submerged in water yet, hence the sling that keeps him mostly above the water in his tub. He wasn't too happy when we first put him in the tub (I think the sling might have had some cold water on it), but he calmed down after a minute and was happy through the rest of the bath.

PS - the washcloth in the tub is more for "don't pee on us!" than modesty. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Loving Sisterhood

Kaylee is doing very well as a big sister! She wants to help hold and feed Andy, and especially give him his pacifier when he cries. Here they are Monday morning; Andy just 6 days old (young?)...

Kaylee does have a bit of jealousy, though. Well, I think she's more upset that I can't pick her up and hold her right now than actually jealous of Andy, though occasionally when I hold him she'll come over with a sad expression on her face. I try to explain that I just have to heal for a little bit before I can hold her and play with her the same as before Andy was born. I think she sort of gets it, as she'll now sit by me and look sad, but when I tell her I can't hold her but we can cuddle, she'll say, "because your tummy is still sore from having Andy." I'm not sure who will be happier once I'm completely recovered: me or her! :)

All in all, though, she's coping very well with the change and mostly just wants to make sure Andy's okay all the time. The first thing she usually asks when she gets up or comes home from being away is, "where is Andy?" (Or, "where is my baby brother?") She likes to keep tabs on him!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

1 week checkup

Me & 2 day old Andy at the hospital last week.

Jamie & Andy, and me & Andy at the pediatrician's office this morning:

This morning we took Andy for his one week well visit at the pediatrician. We're taking him to the same doctor Kaylee sees; we love her!! She has a very good manner with babies/children and tries to make them comfortable (as much as possible at the doctor!) during their visits. We also love her because she tells us our kids are perfect and awesome. Who cares if she says that to all the parents? It still sounds good. :-)

Andy weighed 8lb 7oz today - almost back up to his birth weight of 8lb 9oz. They like to see babies back at birth weight by 1-2 weeks, so he's right there! (He was about 7lb 13oz when we left the hospital.) He's eating very well, so I'm not surprised he's gained it back already. We take him back for a 1 month visit on 3/18; I'll be interested to see how much he grows in the meantime!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

More photos

A friend crocheted this sock monkey hat for Andy; it's a little big, but I couldn't resist. And, as Kaylee says, "Relax! Take a load off!"

He likes sticking out his tongue! Thought the other two were just too cute.

Welcome, Andy!

Welcoming our newest miracle:

Andrew Ryan Caesar
8:11 am
8lb 9 oz

Andy and me in the recovery room about an hour after he was born.
The newly minted family of four the day after Andy was born.

Eyes open! Then, pre-cry face. :-)

Kaylee is super excited to be a big sister and enjoyed holding and helping feed her baby brother!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

A cute picture of Kaylee from this morning. Happy early Valentine's Day!

Almost time!

Me & Andy at 39 weeks:

Yesterday I packed what I should need at the hospital, and I think I've now finished everything on my "to-do-before-Andy-arrives" list, so I guess I'm as ready as I'll be to go have this kid! Less than 2 days until he's here!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Couldn't resist

If Kaylee naps too late in the day, bedtime seems to come too early, so we usually wake her up by 4/4:15. This is what I found yesterday when I went in to get her. Couldn't resist taking a picture of my sleeping "baby."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

38 weeks

Me & Andy at 38 weeks. 9 days until we get to meet him! More like 8 1/2, since it's late now and he'll be born early in the day... Guess I should probably get that hospital bag packed soon!