Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3 month old Ella!

Ella will be 3 months old tomorrow! No longer a newborn, I guess she's now an infant?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Aw, man!

Andy has 3 phrases that get lots of use lately: Aw, man! Oh, dear! and Oopsie daisy! All are used appropriately and it's so cute to hear him say them.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Toy Story conversations

Andy loves playing with his Buzz Lightyear & Woody toys. The small Buzz doesn't have a helmet, so they often fight over Woody's hat...

Buzz, holding Woody's hat: This my hat!
Woody: No, Buzz Lightyear, that my hat! You no have hat!
Buzz: I no have hat! I no have helmet! Need Woody hat!
Woody: No, that my hat! Need my hat!

They also fight about who can fly...
Buzz, flying: Infinity beyond! Have wings, fly!
Woody: I have wings, fly!
Buzz: you no have wings, fly, Woody!
Woody: I have wings, fly!
Buzz: no way, Woody!
Woody: yes way!
Buzz: no way!
Woody: yes way!

Either of these usually goes on for quite a while. :-)

Bath time!

Andy & Ella shared a bath on Wed. Ella wasn't too sure about being used as a ramp for Andy's cars, but was a good sport.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Andy's new teeth

I hadn't noticed until Tuesday, but both of Andy's bottom 2nd year molars have broken through!  Quite possibly why he was congested again last week/weekend - both he and Kaylee have always gotten congested when new teeth were emerging.  His bottom left molar is all the way broken through, just has to finish growing up, and the bottom right one probably just started breaking through his gums a day or two before I noticed.  Knock on wood that Ella will follow suit, but neither Kaylee nor Andy have ever had any issues with teething.  Woo!!  So Andy is now up to 18 teeth, with just the top two 2nd year molars to go.

Of course Kaylee had to make it a competition..."well, I still have more teeth than Andy.  He only has 18 and I have 20!"

Friday, March 1, 2013

Kaylee's Taekwondo Class

Kaylee started taking taekwondo this week. She'll be going 3 times a week. Here they were doing kicks & punches, then walking across the floor balancing a disc on their head.