We visited Stephen, Steph and Brennan at the hospital this morning. Brennan is so tiny! Hard to believe Kaylee was ever that little... :-) Brennan slept pretty much the whole time we were there, though she did open her eyes for a few brief seconds so we could get a glimpse of her dark eyes - very dark blue/gray. (She shut them right when I got the camera ready, of course!!)
Shortly after we arrived, a doctor came in and asked if they were ready to head home today, and - without hesitation - they both said "yes!" We left before noon, and they were hoping to be on the road shortly after 1:00...it's 4:00 now so I'm guessing they're back home with Ethan by now. (Apparently Ethan was ready for them and Brennan to come home Thursday night - her birthday!)
Here are a few photos of my grandparents, Jamie and me with Brennan. I realized after we left that I didn't get a photo of Brennan with her parents!! Oops!