Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Baby steps...well...step, twice?
Monday, January 26, 2009
In Need of a Feather

A few weeks ago Kaylee figured out how to turn on the water in our master bathtub. As you can see here, Shadow was not too happy about it coming down right on him (though he does love playing in the water).

Out for a stroll last night, stylin' in her new hat.
Oh - yesterday she stood for over a minute! Don't think she realized it or she would have plopped down sooner...I was getting dressed, so I put turned on the TV and started a recorded show (she loves the theme song for "My Friends Tigger and Pooh"). She was standing, only holding on to one of my hands when it started. I let go and she stood there, correcting herself when she'd get off balance, and finally plopped down. I paused the recording and it had been running for a minute and 20 seconds - I was holding her hand for a few seconds up front, but she stood on her own for at least a minute! New record for her. So I guess that was something new to report. And every day she looks closer and closer to walking. She'll walk across the room as long as I have a hand under an elbow, barely supporting her, but she is hesitant to try it on her own. Once I let go she plops right down, even though I was barely doing anything. Anyone have Dumbo's feather we could borrow??
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Bionic Baby...Recharged
We took Kaylee this morning for another ABR test (click here for more details on any given test) - see new bionic baby shots below. The audiologist also repeated the Tympanometry and OAE tests. The tympanograms again showed possible stiffness in both ears. The OAE is the test they gave Kaylee at the hospital that her left ear never passed - there or at any other appointment since - but today it PASSED!! The audiologist is mailing the full results to us (and to all of Kaylee's other 3 doctors!), but said that the ABR showed that her right ear does show good hearing, and her left ear has trouble with the lowest frequency (frequencies?). She said based on that and the left ear passing the OAE, she doesn't think that a hearing aid will be necessary, but of course we still need to be diligent in monitoring things. We take Kaylee back to the pediatric audiologist in another month for more behavioral testing and after that it's back to the ENT. Hopefully by the time her birthday rolls around we'll have a better picture of what's going on in those cute little ears!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tooth Update
Monday, January 19, 2009
Walking and Climbing
Kaylee loves her new walker, whether it's riding on it as a car or walking behind it. Thanks, Gramma and Grampa!! She stands up and pushes it all around the house, falls over and tries again.
The little monkey also has mastered climbing up the stairs. We figure it's better to let her practice while we're around than to always keep the gate closed and not ever let her learn.
More pics, including top teeth!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
More teeth
Friday, January 9, 2009
9 (1/2) month checkup
We went to a pediatric audiologist for behavioral testing on Wednesday. I was going to try to explain what was done, but I'll refer back to the site I mentioned in a previous post as their description of the testing is likely better than what I would write!
Following text taken from
Behavioral tests involve careful observation of a child's behavioral response to sounds like calibrated speech and pure tones. Pure tones are the distinct pitches (frequencies) of sounds. Sometimes other calibrated signals are used to obtain frequency information. The behavioral response might be an infant's eye movements, a head-turn by a toddler, placement of a game piece by a preschooler, or a hand-raise by a gradeschooler. (For Kaylee, it was turning her head to look at various moving toys.)
The test results went along with all the other tests thus far - possible hearing loss in left ear. We're going back to Northside Audiology (yes, she's seeing doctors/specialists at 3 practices...) in another couple weeks for another ABR (Kaylee had one done at 5 weeks old - see bionic baby post)
FYI (again, posted from
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) test:
An infant is sleeping or sedated for the ABR. An infant may be sleeping naturally or may have to be sedated for this test. Additionally, older, cooperative kids may be tested in a silent environment while they're visually occupied. Tiny earphones are placed in the ear canals. Usually, click-type sounds are introduced through the earphones, and electrodes measure the hearing nerve's response to the sounds. A computer averages these responses and displays waveforms. Because there are characteristic waveforms for normal hearing in portions of the speech range, a normal ABR can predict fairly well that a baby's hearing is normal in that part of the range. An abnormal ABR may be due to hearing loss, but it may also be due to some medical problems or measurement difficulties.
We have been told on numerous occasions from different doctors that Kaylee seems to have a smaller left ear canal than right. So this could also be a part of the problem - some of the testing equipment does not fit into her ear as well as it could/should. It is interesting that the results seem to show that her hearing is (very slowly) improving, so it could partially be that as she's getting bigger and her ear canal is growing, the equipment is better able to test that ear. Not that we are fooling ourselves into thinking she has perfect hearing and just has a small ear canal, but it could be causing more difficulties in getting completely accurate test results. Just relaying what we've been told.
We should have a better understanding after the ABR is repeated later this month. Hurry up and wait...hurry up and wait...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Finally, (some) Christmas Pictures
Kaylee by her Grampa and Gramma's tree, and with Uncle Jeff:

Aforementioned tree; Kaylee and Mama:
"You mean I can tear the paper and you won't stop me?!?" (FYI: the huge red bag was for trash and it was full by the time we were done!)

Kaylee enjoying her new walker (also her new car, as seen in the Speed Racer video). Apparently it's so easy she can use it with her eyes closed.
Follow Every Rainbow
These are also from yesterday, but I forgot to post them. I already had the camera with me when Kaylee climbed onto the chair and looked out the window. I asked what she was doing and got the 2nd picture then caught her when she started slipping off the chair just after I took it.
Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Kaylee's littlest second cousin
Some photos:

Friday, January 2, 2009
Oh, no!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Speed Racer
Here's a photo of her face from earlier today. The bruising looks like it might be going away soon. I wish I had her super-fast healing powers! Darn this getting old stuff...
We went out for our first walk of the new year. It was a bit chilly, so we bundled up the babe. Even down to the mittens. She reminded me of Randy from A Christmas Story..."I can't put my arms down!" Kaylee was quite puffy in all her warm attire.
We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Day! As for us...when Kaylee napped today, so did Mama and Dada, so it was a pretty nice lazy day. Happy 2009!
Happy New Year!
Kaylee has a crazy tile floor (and sometimes hardwood floor) "crawl" - she gets up on her hands and feet with as little bodily surface area touching the floor as possible...must be cold.
Happy New Year!! Kaylee slept through the whole ball drop thing, fireworks outside and all. (Yay!)