Believe it or not, I haven't taken any new pics since the last post - do have a couple funny videos, but they're pretty long (as in 6+ min and 3+ min!), so I need to review and cut down before posting.
We started the new Kindermusik season last week and have moved up to the 18 month - 3 year old class. Most of the kids look like they're under two, with the exception of a neighbor's son, Shaun, who's 2.5. Another neighbor and her son (Lane, 19 months) are also in the class with us, so it's fun to get out once/week with some friends and have "our time to sing together!" (We're in the "Our Time" class. :) ) The classes seem to fly by, but we have the CDs (with music from the class) to sing with in the car and at home to bide our time in the week between classes. We're looking forward to another fun time this Wednesday!
I just realized that Kaylee will be 17 months tomorrow! Her 18 month doc's appointment is a month from tomorrow, so we'll see how much she's grown. She seems taller to me - might have had a growth spurt last month; she was over 33" already at 15 months - so I'm interested to see how much taller she is now. We weigh her on the scale here, and she's usually somewhere between 25-26#'s, but it's hard to get height, so check back in a month for that update. Oh, also, I got out the Wii Fit yesterday while Kaylee was up and she already had a Mii, but we created a Wii Fit profile for her. Her Wii Fit age is 2. :) Of course, I had to put in her birthday as 2007, not 2008, as 2007 was the latest year they let you put in...hopefully can modify it later; otherwise we'll just start her over! And I also had to "help" her do her balance in, do it for her with my hands while she sat on the floor banging on a makeshift drum. So a little cheating, but she enjoyed stepping onto and off of the balance board.