Yes, that's HalloWEEK! Kaylee's Kindermusik class had a dress-up day on Wednesday, then we trick-or-treated on Halloween night, then had a dress-up neighborhood fall festival on Sunday. She wore her GT cheerleader outfit on Wed and Sun, and was a cute little bear on Halloween. Worked out well, laundry wise. Didn't have to rush to wash anything for re-wearing the next day. Hey, a girl's gotta have options... On to the photos!!
"Does holding the megaphone this way make my voice softer?"
(caption thanks to her Great Aunt Sharon)

Kaylee & her cousin Nate the monkey. She had to be restrained from going back for 4th's (5th's?) at one house! She was being encouraged to take all the candy - think someone didn't want leftovers!

Kaylee's Hello Kitty treat bag is from Baba (Grandma Barb). While we were out we saw 4-year old Kayleigh (she lives down the street) and she, too, had a Hello Kitty treat bag! Same style, but a white one. Thought it was funny that Kaylee & Kayleigh (pronounced the same) had similar bags.
Elmo...the headless trick-or-treater?!?? :)

Neighbors trick-or-treating: Lane/Elmo, Mason/dinosaur, Shaun/puppy, Kristin/Dorothy, Kaylee/bear, Hunter/Batman & Mackenzie/Batgirl

After trick-or-treating, checking out all her loot! The fam at the neighborhood fall festival in our coordinating GT cheerleader & fan outfits.

The one photo she posed for that day, and checking out her new witch tattoo she got at the festival