So tonight for dinner I made stuffed peppers (well, not so much "stuffed" as "cut into squares and mixed with other ingredients" as it cooks better and you don't have to cut while you eat. But that's beside the point...). I used ground beef and turkey, rice, tomatoes and red peppers, with some seasonings. Kaylee did eat a few bites, but was very squirmy and just in a "let's play" mood (as opposed to her not wanting to eat because she didn't like the food). After her first few bites, the conversation went something like this...
me: do you want to eat a bite of red pepper?
K: no!
me: do you want to eat a bite of rice?
K: no!
me: do you want to eat a bite of worms?
(ate that bite)
me: do you want a bite of cow? (I figured at least I wasn't lying to her that way ;) )
(ate that bite while I mooed)
me: do you want to eat a bite of turkey?
(ate that bite while she gobble-gobbled)
K: eat SHEEP!
me: you want to eat sheep?
(eats more and proceeds - with more crazy conversation - to finish all but about 2 bites of her dinner, then got down for a bit more playing)
I suppose that's success?