We had another art class and today's project was based on artwork by Laurel Burch. It took a few funny face shots, but I finally got a good smile. The first tries were cute, too, so here they all are:
Yesterday Kaylee wanted to have her picture taken with Neigh-Neigh. I took it, then she ran over to look, then shouted, "again!" and ran back to pose by Neigh-Neigh again. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat... We took a lot more photos than this, but here are a few of them (mostly the same over and over).
She also got a late birthday present from her Auntie Cheriene - she didn't mind, as she's always happy to open gifts!! Here she is holding up her present, and wearing it! She wanted to put it on right away, over the dress she had on. (There's also a little white cardigan that goes over the dress - very cute!) Thanks, Cheriene!!
Kaylee's becoming quite the accessory queen...she has so many bows (and counting, as I've been making some for her lately). I saw various bow holders around and when I ordered a custom one that came in very shoddily made (should have gone with your lady, Lisa!), I decided if you want something done right sometimes you have to do it yourself. So I made one for her and it turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself! I finished it last night and hung it this morning; good thing I put two ribbons on it, as one would have been completely filled already!!
Kaylee shows how her rocking chair fits one person, and Erin joins in to show how it also fits two!
Tonight at dinner Kaylee told Jamie, "don't talk with your mouth full!" Jamie said, "oops, sorry!" and we all started laughing. I guess she's learning! Gotta be careful what we say - and when!
This morning she said she wanted to wear a dress. She initially pointed to the yellow bee one and said, "wear dress from Elena!" but then saw this polka dot one and said, "wear dot dress!" I think it's her favorite dress as she requests it often, but I also think today will be the last time she wears it! The neck hole is a bit tight and it was tough getting her arms through it (the little black band around the waist is not stretchy). I'll have to hide it after washing because she'll be very upset if it's in her closet and she can't wear it!!
I just noticed last night that Kaylee's got her bottom right two year molar in! It probably popped through a week or so ago, as there's quite a bit of it through her gums already. I noticed when we were brushing her teeth and she was saying, "AAAHHHH." That's tooth #17...3 to go! She's been chewing on her fingers a lot the past 3-4 weeks, so I figured the molars might be working their way in, but luckily she still never complained about anything hurting (though she did ask for Orajel a few times). I think we're doomed for the teen years (let alone the continual terrible 2's), since everything's been too easy with her so far...
Emily Mae Sedgwick born 4-23-10 at 12:47 pm 7lb 1oz, 19.5"
Happy family of 4! Margaret holding Emily, my cousin Brandon holding Nate:
Kaylee was sleeping yesterday when we found out her second cousin Emily had been born. When she woke up I told her about the new baby and she said, "it's Emily's birthday!" and we had to both sing "Happy Birthday to Emily." I hadn't even said it was her birthday, just that Emily had been born; I guess Kaylee understands more than we realize sometimes!
More photos of the cute little addition!! Emily; with her grandfather; with me; with both grandparents (Brandon's folks)
Kaylee had another art class today - two down, two to go! - and created another one of a kind. She got to draw, paint, glue and use stickers and glitter glue to make a peacock; very exciting!
Last weekend we went for a walk on the greenway; it was a great day for it - warm enough for short sleeves, but not too hot. Good thing it wasn't too sunny or Jamie might have had some interesting tan (burn?) lines on his forehead:
Yesterday was this semester's last Kindermusik class! We signed up for a 5 week "summer camp" Wednesday mornings in June. What will Kaylee do for a month and a half with no Miss Christy?!? Hopefully gymnastics and art will keep her occupied. :) Here's Miss Christy with Kaylee, and a few photos from class. Lane trying to steal all the bouncy balls, Kaylee and her favorite bouncy ball activity: rolling around on it, and a photo during storytime.
And some photos from our second gymnastics class! Caroline is demonstrating what the kids were supposed to do on the bar...Kaylee was terrified of that, even when I was holding her tight. It even took some convincing for her to pose for this photo where all she was doing was holding the bar while standing!
Crawling through the tunnel: good! Rolling away in it: not so good - follow directions, Kaylee! :)
Kaylee LOVED the jumping board and we did that the most. She also enjoyed tumbling down the wedge mat; the instructor is helping her in these photos.
Kaylee and Lane both trying to crawl through the caterpillar tunnel while Caroline watches, and Caroline rejecting Kaylee's attempts to hug her.
Last weekend we went to my cousin Stephen's house and had dinner and playtime with him, his wife Stephanie & their kids, Ethan (5) and Brennan (18 mo). Kaylee enjoyed playing with the kids and even yesterday was saying she wanted to play with them. So great that she loves her cousins! In the photo with Brennan, Kaylee's showing what you're supposed to do in the little sleeping bag/bed. :)
Kaylee and I signed up for some Mommy & Me classes offered through our county Parks & Rec department. We're taking a gymnastics class and an art class; both started this week. We're taking gymnastics with a couple of neighbors - Caroline & Lane are in the first photo with Kaylee (I didn't get any photos during class, maybe next week!).
We're taking art with another friend - you can see Kaylee's and Tyler's masterpieces below! The kids colored with markers as we all waited for everyone to arrive, then made "circle bunny" paintings. Kaylee really enjoyed it - I think we'll have to sign up for another art class when this one's over (it's only a 4 week class).
After art class, Kaylee was walking in the grass (freshly watered) and I was talking to Sherri (Tyler's mom). Kaylee walked up to me, pointed to some mud and said, "what happened?" I looked over and said it was muddy because it had been watered and there was some dirt that got wet. She then said, "I get stuck in mud!" and I noticed that her feet were covered in mud! I wiped some off before I thought to take a photo - here's what it looked like after a couple wipes. She got to ride home barefoot and I rinsed the shoes when we got home. All is well. :)
Kaylee was happy I had a birthday. 1-she got to sing Happy Birthday all day (not that she doesn't do that a lot anyway, but she had a reason today), 2-she got to open my birthday cards and 3-she got a cupcake! (I didn't make them; a friend brought some by for us.) She ate 3 servings of Memaw's green beans and a bowl of spaghetti for dinner, but asked about her cupcake in between just about every bite. :) The pink frosting dye might take a few days to wear off her skin; she even had pink teeth...AFTER we brushed them!! Maybe she'll have sweet dreams tonight!
She thought it was funny that we could take a picture of ourselves with the camera timer, so we had to take a few shots (I think we took 5, she's cutest in these 2).
Kendall-10 months, Kaylee-2, Olivia-3.5 & Katie-5.5 getting ready to watch a show (the 3 are sisters). I realized after I took the photos that they're (coincidentally) sitting in age and chair size order. Kaylee's in her favorite chair...the one I retrieved from a neighbor's trash pile at the street, repaired (just some restitching at the zipper) and cleaned. She loves it and totes it from room to room to use!
Of course they wouldn't all look for a photo at the same time - just Kaylee in one, all but Kaylee in the other!
Kaylee's 2 year well visit was this morning. She's now 37.75" (>99%) and 31lb 6oz (92%). We thought her next appointment would be her 3 year visit, but they now see children at 2.5 as well, as there are so many developmental changes that occur during their 3rd year and some children weren't getting the attention they needed during that time. The doctor said we shouldn't have anything to worry about as Kaylee seems to be off the charts as far as vocabulary, comprehension, etc., but we'll still have to bring her in again in September. She only got one shot today, and I held her while that was done. She made a miserable face but cried for less than a minute, then we headed home. She did very well for someone who did NOT want to go to the doctor!