My sweet Kaylee - I love you just the way you are...whenever that is. :) Here are some random things I don't want to forget (well, I don't want to forget anything, but these are a few of the cuter recent things I want to remember)...
You used to call your "Little Quack Counts" book "oh, no-bees!" (as in, "Read 'oh, no-bees,' Mommy") because there's a page that says, "5 bees! Oh, no!"
If you didn't understand what we said you'd ask, "What are you talking to-bout?" Likewise if someone else talks to us and you don't understand you ask, "What is he/she talking to-bout?"
You say, "Bye-bye! See to later!"
When you want to have or do something (such as candy or going on the swings) you tell us, "I probly like that." (Of course it actually sounds more like "I probby yike dat" at the moment.)
Your "Skip to my Lou" lyrics:
Lou Lou Skip a Lou
Lou Lou Skip a Lou
Lou Lou Skip a Lou
Skip a Lou for Darlin'
You LOVE infant/children's medicine (yikes!) - just the other day I heard you knock into something and I heard, "Owie! I hurt my armpit! I have a headache! My belly is upset!" Then you ran in and wanted medicine for all your ailments.
When you ask, "what is that?" about something you don't know (e.g. a wrench) and we tell you, you say, "Oh. Yeah. It is a wrench." as though you knew it already and just needed a reminder.
You just stared saying, "awesome." It was pretty funny, a couple days ago you tossed a toy frog in the air and when it landed you said, "good job, frog, that was awesome!"
When your pillowcase would slip off your pillow a little you used to say, "what happen my pillow?" (But pillow sounded more like "pih-yoh" since you couldn't say L's.) Your L's are getting better, and you still worry about your pillow, but now you say, "what happen to my pillow?"
Speaking of not being able to say L's...months ago, you would say things were "too little" (like when you'd try to put one of your tiny bracelets on me), but little sounded like "yittoh" - you still say that, but it's sounding more and more like "little" as we've been working on L's with you lately (yateyeh?).
For the past month or so, you love pretending to be asleep (you did before, but it's gotten more prominent recently). If I tell you it's time to head up for naptime or bath, or even sometimes if it's just time for a diaper change or a meal, you'll run into another room, make yourself fall onto the floor and then lie there with your eyes closed. If I don't come in to get you right away, I hear you yell, "come find me, Mommy! I'm sleeping!" Then when I come in you're making your snoring sound and you (usually) stay "asleep" as I pick you up and carry you off.
You don't usually have favorite things, but best things. e.g. about a song you'll say, "this is my best song!" - you sometimes say, "this is my favorite song," but more often it's your best.
"You have a gum?" - it's usually a question, and I think it's funny how you always says "a gum" not just gum.
I'm sure there are plenty of other things I could add here, but I can't think of more at the moment...check back for a "Don't Forget #2" at some point, I'm sure. :) I love you, Kaylee!