Kaylee is doing very well as a big sister! She wants to help hold and feed Andy, and especially give him his pacifier when he cries. Here they are Monday morning; Andy just 6 days old (young?)...

Kaylee does have a bit of jealousy, though. Well, I think she's more upset that I can't pick her up and hold her right now than actually jealous of Andy, though occasionally when I hold him she'll come over with a sad expression on her face. I try to explain that I just have to heal for a little bit before I can hold her and play with her the same as before Andy was born. I think she sort of gets it, as she'll now sit by me and look sad, but when I tell her I can't hold her but we can cuddle, she'll say, "because your tummy is still sore from having Andy." I'm not sure who will be happier once I'm completely recovered: me or her! :)
All in all, though, she's coping very well with the change and mostly just wants to make sure Andy's okay all the time. The first thing she usually asks when she gets up or comes home from being away is, "where is Andy?" (Or, "where is my baby brother?") She likes to keep tabs on him!