We took Kaylee, Andy & a friend (Erin) to Kinsey Family Farm on Saturday. We took pictures (obviously), tried to feed the catfish, but I guess they were stuffed (we could see some swimming just below the surface, but none came up to eat), tried to feed the goats and cows, but they didn't want the crackers (there were plenty lying on the ground by their feet), though they would munch on an apple we offered and picked out pumpkins!
We bought 7 pumpkins and an apple gourd (like the green "pumpkin" on the haystacks behind/above the kids in the first photos) that are currently sitting on our front steps (5 of the pumpkins are the tiny ones, so we didn't really go way overboard).
For Andy's first visit to the farm, he did pretty well! We packed lunches and ate when we first got there (just before noon) then did all the fun stuff without having to break for lunch. It worked out well, since Andy was happy enough at first, but conked out shortly after we took some pictures. I think the sun did him in! It was nice weather, but luckily we'd worn long sleeves - I think it was close to 80 degrees, but it was very windy! The next day Andy even had rosy cheeks from a bit of windburn!

Kaylee has two identical pairs of shoes. I didn't realize until we'd been at the farm about an hour that she was wearing the two left ones! It didn't seem to bother her, at least.