Another appointment done! Just one more next Friday (21st), then the following Friday is the baby day! All is still well with Ella - heart rate 154. My blood pressure's still low (again, no other kids with me at today's appointment - ahhh).
While baby is fine, I'm not sure if I'm coming down with something; hopefully just a cold. Late yesterday afternoon/evening my throat started hurting and I was congested, then last night I couldn't sleep (even less than usual lately) and when I finally got up this morning I had a headache, sore throat and stuffy nose. After feeling off for a few hours, I felt nauseous and threw up just before I had to leave for my appointment. Since then I haven't felt nauseous, but still have had a headache and stuffy nose. I did manage a little nap this afternoon while Andy napped and before I had to pick up Kaylee, which gave me a little more energy. My throat feels better than yesterday/this morning, but still not great. Likely drainage, which I guess could have upset my stomach enough to get sick this morning. ??? In any event, I am going to try to get to bed early again and hopefully sleep much better tonight!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Fall Photos
Friday, December 7, 2012
A few Disney World photos
We went to Disney World the last week in September. Overall the kids had fun, but it was overwhelming for all of us! Andy was so excited to see "Lella Dat-doh!" (Cinderella's Castle) all the time, and seemed to enjoy most of the rides he was able to go on. Here are a few of our photos...narrowed down from about 1200 or so! I still need to go through them all and figure out which ones to put into a photo book!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sweet Kaylee
Kaylee's latest sweet thing is to bring me a little Dixie cup of water to help me feel better. The first time was a couple days ago when I
made a face when the baby stretched out and it hurt a little (mostly just uncomfortable, not pain); Kaylee asked what was
wrong and I said Ella was hurting my tummy, but not bad. She then ran
off and came back w/a cup of water. And today when I was napping she
came in the room, left, then came back with 3 cups - 1 with water and 2
empty ones "in case you feel bad and need to get more water when I'm not
Friday, November 30, 2012
35 week appointment
Another boring appointment this past Tuesday - yay! Ella's doing well and her heart rate was 134. My blood pressure was still low (even lower than some visits - I didn't have the other kids with me - coincidence?!??). The doctor did think Ella might be head up/breech right now, but said it doesn't actually matter since I'm having a c-section. I can't tell which way she is, just that she is always on the go go go rolling and stretching.
I thought the doctor would have me start coming for weekly appointments now, but I actually only have 2 more before our c-section date! I go back 2 weeks after this past appointment, then a week and a half after that one, then one week later it's baby time! I think the holidays helped me skip an appointment or two, which is fine with me since everything seems to be going well anyway.
4 weeks from this morning we will have a new baby girl!!
I thought the doctor would have me start coming for weekly appointments now, but I actually only have 2 more before our c-section date! I go back 2 weeks after this past appointment, then a week and a half after that one, then one week later it's baby time! I think the holidays helped me skip an appointment or two, which is fine with me since everything seems to be going well anyway.
4 weeks from this morning we will have a new baby girl!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
2012 Santa Photos
Yesterday morning we made our annual trip to see Santa and Mrs. Claus. All week (or longer?) Andy had seemed excited to see him and tell him he wanted a big Buzz Lightyear for Christmas. He'd say, "Santa big Buzz!" (well, in his language..."Dada bee Buh!") Once we got there he was okay until we actually went to put him on Santa's lap, then he had quite a meltdown! In the picture we bought from the Santa photographer he's fussing more, but the ones below we got on our camera.

This photo is Andy, Kaylee, Mason and Harper with Santa and the Mrs. - the best picture we got of all four cousins together. The girls were overall much more cooperative than the boys this year. And next year we get to try this with five kids...yikes!

This photo is Andy, Kaylee, Mason and Harper with Santa and the Mrs. - the best picture we got of all four cousins together. The girls were overall much more cooperative than the boys this year. And next year we get to try this with five kids...yikes!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
33 week appointment
I had another quick checkup this morning and all is still well. Ella's heart rate was 150 beats/minute. And I remembered to ask about the glucose test results (for gestational diabetes) - I did that test 4 weeks ago, so would likely have gotten a call if I needed to do the 3 hour glucose test, but wanted to confirm that was fine. The midwife looked up the results and my glucose level was 119 - anything under 140 is good.
I go back again in 2 weeks and after that will probably start having weekly appointments. Unless she has other plans, Ella will be here 6 weeks from Friday!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Andy's burst of talking
In the past month, Andy has really increased his vocabulary. Of course I am probably the only one who understands most of it (with probably Kaylee, then Jamie, also understanding him more often than others), but he really comprehends and says what he wants to say, you just have to listen for it and speak Andy!
There are literally toooooo many words/phrases to list, so I'm sure I'll have to come back here to update as I think of more of the cuter ones, but a few new things he says/does are:
Andy = Annie
Ella = Ella - he says it correctly now!
hello = heh-whoa, unless you ask him to say it right then he'll say hello
he calls my cell phone "hello" or "hello daddy" :)
From the 'Cars' movies: Lightning McQueen = Nightning; Mater = May-oh; Doc = Doc
Remote = Mote
Show = Whoa (he'll say, "More Whoa! Mote!" aka "I want to watch a show, get the remote and make it happen!")
more tickle = moe titoh - when he wants to be chased and tickled more
Mommy, get up = up de Mommy (or Daddy, DeeDee, etc) - if I'm sitting and he wants me to get up and go with him somewhere, he'll grab my hand and say, "up de Mommy!" and tug on my hand until I come with him.
Counting to ...15? He can at least consistently count to ten, and it seems like he's counting to about 15, though his enunciation on the numbers is fuzzy, so it's hard to tell much past about 13.
Says, "Love you, Mommy" (or Daddy, Kaylee, Tigger, etc) while doing his version of the sign for "I love you" (he just holds out a fist towards you).
Other words he says that you can pretty much understand:
apple juice
broccoli (the kid loves broccoli!)
I can't think right now; I'll try to remember more and update this post soon. I need to just keep a running list on the fridge so I can jot things down when he says them, then type them up here when I have time!
Also, I should ask Kaylee what some funny things he says are; her memory is probably much better than mine!!
There are literally toooooo many words/phrases to list, so I'm sure I'll have to come back here to update as I think of more of the cuter ones, but a few new things he says/does are:
Andy = Annie
Ella = Ella - he says it correctly now!
hello = heh-whoa, unless you ask him to say it right then he'll say hello
he calls my cell phone "hello" or "hello daddy" :)
From the 'Cars' movies: Lightning McQueen = Nightning; Mater = May-oh; Doc = Doc
Remote = Mote
Show = Whoa (he'll say, "More Whoa! Mote!" aka "I want to watch a show, get the remote and make it happen!")
more tickle = moe titoh - when he wants to be chased and tickled more
Mommy, get up = up de Mommy (or Daddy, DeeDee, etc) - if I'm sitting and he wants me to get up and go with him somewhere, he'll grab my hand and say, "up de Mommy!" and tug on my hand until I come with him.
Counting to ...15? He can at least consistently count to ten, and it seems like he's counting to about 15, though his enunciation on the numbers is fuzzy, so it's hard to tell much past about 13.
Says, "Love you, Mommy" (or Daddy, Kaylee, Tigger, etc) while doing his version of the sign for "I love you" (he just holds out a fist towards you).
Other words he says that you can pretty much understand:
apple juice
broccoli (the kid loves broccoli!)
I can't think right now; I'll try to remember more and update this post soon. I need to just keep a running list on the fridge so I can jot things down when he says them, then type them up here when I have time!
Also, I should ask Kaylee what some funny things he says are; her memory is probably much better than mine!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Cinderella and Batman on Halloween!
Kaylee gave me about an hour notice that she was going to be Cinderella instead of Little Red Riding Hood (what she'd worn to school). That hour also included eating and getting costumes on, so then add to that me running around to do a princess bun and makeup and it was a bit mad around here just before we headed out to trick or treat!
Batman came across a large cat, pumpkin and Little Bad Wolf, who was in search of Little Red Riding Hood. Batman thought he recognized Little Bad, but couldn't be quite sure...(our next door neighbor, Carter, who's a month younger than Andy)
Batman mistakenly got into a fake Batmobile, but quickly realized the error of his ways and remedied the situation. Disaster averted!!
I love this shot of my little Batman flying through the night sky!
Kids and their glowsticks:
Once home, Kaylee insisted that we count how much candy each kid brought in - Kaylee was the winner with over 60 pieces, while Andy had just over 40. Of course, Kaylee also had a huge bucket full from trick or treating at school that morning, too! We put all the candy together in the bowl we had filled to hand out to trick or treaters...we have at least as much now as we did before, if not more! Oh, no!
Kaylee gave me about an hour notice that she was going to be Cinderella instead of Little Red Riding Hood (what she'd worn to school). That hour also included eating and getting costumes on, so then add to that me running around to do a princess bun and makeup and it was a bit mad around here just before we headed out to trick or treat!

Batman came across a large cat, pumpkin and Little Bad Wolf, who was in search of Little Red Riding Hood. Batman thought he recognized Little Bad, but couldn't be quite sure...(our next door neighbor, Carter, who's a month younger than Andy)

Batman mistakenly got into a fake Batmobile, but quickly realized the error of his ways and remedied the situation. Disaster averted!!

I love this shot of my little Batman flying through the night sky!

Kids and their glowsticks:

Once home, Kaylee insisted that we count how much candy each kid brought in - Kaylee was the winner with over 60 pieces, while Andy had just over 40. Of course, Kaylee also had a huge bucket full from trick or treating at school that morning, too! We put all the candy together in the bowl we had filled to hand out to trick or treaters...we have at least as much now as we did before, if not more! Oh, no!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
31 week update
I had an appointment this morning with a midwife (appointments are every two weeks now) and all seems well with Ella. Of course I meant to confirm the gestational diabetes test results came back negative but forgot to ask. Oops. I am assuming that since I didn't get a call about it within a day or two after testing, and since the midwife didn't mention anything about it at my appointment, that I'm in the clear on that.
The midwife told me that Ella's head is down and her body curves around my right side, so her rear end is up and arms and legs punch and kick on my left side. She said she initially thought her body was on my left side, but I told her that while I feel movement all over, I feel stronger punching/kicking on my left. When she used the doppler to get the heart rate, that confirmed that Ella was, indeed, opposite of what she'd expected. (Because she found the heart rate on my right side, so that's where Ella's body is.) In talking about how she was positioned in there, I also forgot to ask about the heart rate. It's been in the 130's-140 range lately. I could break out the doppler I have here at home if I really want to know, I suppose!
I've definitely been having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions this time than before. I don't think I had any at all with Kaylee, and with Andy they didn't start until about the last month or so. Now I've already been getting them for a month and I have two more to go! Luckily they aren't really painful, just an annoying tight far. I think my second trimester "energy burst" (what little burst I got!) is completely gone now; I am feeling tired more often than not and have gone back to trying to get a little nap in when Andy naps when I can. I'm hoping that with all we have going on in November and December holiday-wise, it'll make the time pass more quickly and the next 2 months won't seem to take forever!
The midwife told me that Ella's head is down and her body curves around my right side, so her rear end is up and arms and legs punch and kick on my left side. She said she initially thought her body was on my left side, but I told her that while I feel movement all over, I feel stronger punching/kicking on my left. When she used the doppler to get the heart rate, that confirmed that Ella was, indeed, opposite of what she'd expected. (Because she found the heart rate on my right side, so that's where Ella's body is.) In talking about how she was positioned in there, I also forgot to ask about the heart rate. It's been in the 130's-140 range lately. I could break out the doppler I have here at home if I really want to know, I suppose!
I've definitely been having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions this time than before. I don't think I had any at all with Kaylee, and with Andy they didn't start until about the last month or so. Now I've already been getting them for a month and I have two more to go! Luckily they aren't really painful, just an annoying tight far. I think my second trimester "energy burst" (what little burst I got!) is completely gone now; I am feeling tired more often than not and have gone back to trying to get a little nap in when Andy naps when I can. I'm hoping that with all we have going on in November and December holiday-wise, it'll make the time pass more quickly and the next 2 months won't seem to take forever!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Well, we have a surgery time set for Ella's c-section - 6:45am! Which means we have to be at the hospital at 4:45am. Can anyone say zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz? I guess on the upside, no matter what time they tell you to come in, you're not supposed to eat anything after midnight, so there's less chance I'll be super hungry with a 6:45 time slot than noon!
Someone pointed out that Kaylee and Andy, who usually wake up between 7-7:30, will likely have a new baby sister about the time they're waking up that morning!
Someone pointed out that Kaylee and Andy, who usually wake up between 7-7:30, will likely have a new baby sister about the time they're waking up that morning!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Ella update
I had another appointment this morning to check on Ella. Things seem to be going well. She's been very active, that's for sure! Her heart rate was 134 bpm. I did the glucose tolerance test where I got to drink a super sweet drink an hour before having my blood drawn to see if I have gestational diabetes. I thought I remembered having gotten results at my appointments in the past, but this time I was out pretty soon after the blood draw, so maybe it just hadn't gone through before I left. I didn't have GD with either Kaylee or Andy's pregnancies and don't feel much different than either of those times, so I'm not worried about the results, just don't have them yet.
Also, we scheduled the c-section date for Fri, 12/28! (Time TBD) My OB's husband's work schedule, and thus their holiday travel schedule, is a bit up in the air, though. There's a slim chance it might change so that they'd leave town on the 27th instead of 29th. She said if that happened, she'd reschedule the c-section to first thing on the 27th, then she'd leave town that afternoon (she's otherwise off that day). But she said most likely things will stay as-is. Either way, Ella's arrival will be in just over 10 weeks!
Also, we scheduled the c-section date for Fri, 12/28! (Time TBD) My OB's husband's work schedule, and thus their holiday travel schedule, is a bit up in the air, though. There's a slim chance it might change so that they'd leave town on the 27th instead of 29th. She said if that happened, she'd reschedule the c-section to first thing on the 27th, then she'd leave town that afternoon (she's otherwise off that day). But she said most likely things will stay as-is. Either way, Ella's arrival will be in just over 10 weeks!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
More Andy funnies
More funny Andy sayings, ones I forgot or that are new since the last post...
*bottle = bobble - as in, "DeeDee aah-doo bobble!" = Kaylee's water bottle
*up bed = up bay - when he wants to get up on the bed, or when referring to someone who's on the bed, as in "DeeDee up bay!"
*hop up - what he says when he wants to get up on the couch (I ask him if he wants to hop up, so now he says it)
*(TV) show = whoa
*oatmeal = meat-moe
*Minnie (Mouse) = Mimi
*Nemo (from the movie, or any clownfish) = Memo - we saw a tank of tiny clownfish at the Nemo ride/aquarium in Epcot and Andy just kept saying, "Memo! Memo! Memo! Memo! Memo!" while pointing at the little fish tank
*Cinderella's castle = Lella dah-doh - we heard that and "Beeee Lella dah-doh!" (Big Cinderella's castle) a lot at Disney
Andy with all the tiny Memos:

Also, it appears Andy will need a little while to grow into his bathrobe.
*bottle = bobble - as in, "DeeDee aah-doo bobble!" = Kaylee's water bottle
*up bed = up bay - when he wants to get up on the bed, or when referring to someone who's on the bed, as in "DeeDee up bay!"
*hop up - what he says when he wants to get up on the couch (I ask him if he wants to hop up, so now he says it)
*(TV) show = whoa
*oatmeal = meat-moe
*Minnie (Mouse) = Mimi
*Nemo (from the movie, or any clownfish) = Memo - we saw a tank of tiny clownfish at the Nemo ride/aquarium in Epcot and Andy just kept saying, "Memo! Memo! Memo! Memo! Memo!" while pointing at the little fish tank
*Cinderella's castle = Lella dah-doh - we heard that and "Beeee Lella dah-doh!" (Big Cinderella's castle) a lot at Disney
Andy with all the tiny Memos:

Also, it appears Andy will need a little while to grow into his bathrobe.

Friday, September 21, 2012
19 months & lots of talking!
Andy's vocabulary has expanded over the past month. I haven't been writing it down along the way, but for at least the past 2-4 weeks, he's been saying lots of new things. He's also stringing together 3-4 words sometimes. For the most part he has a language only I can understand (not even Jamie half the time), but it's improving. :)
These are a few of the more recent and cuter things he says:
banana = nanaba
apple = app-oh
apple juice = used to be app-bee, now he usually just says app-oh and points high in the fridge
milk = hepsch (he's actually been saying this one for a few months. Not sure how milk=hepsch???)
bite or sip = hahtch - used when he wants a bite of your food or sip of your drink
water = aah-doo
please = peas
no - a new favorite over the past couple weeks
mine - also becoming a favorite
big = beeee and is accompanied by arms-open-wide gesture
small - I don't even know how to type what he says, maybe just "maaaaaa", but it's accompanied by thumb and fingers a short space apart held by his nose and his eyes scrunched up
bottle = bobble
flip-flops = be-bop
Kaylee = deedee (this is also what Kaylee called herself for a while)
train = choo-choo
snack = nack (his favorite thing to eat...a nack, nack, nack!)
These are a few of the more recent and cuter things he says:
banana = nanaba
apple = app-oh
apple juice = used to be app-bee, now he usually just says app-oh and points high in the fridge
milk = hepsch (he's actually been saying this one for a few months. Not sure how milk=hepsch???)
bite or sip = hahtch - used when he wants a bite of your food or sip of your drink
water = aah-doo
please = peas
no - a new favorite over the past couple weeks
mine - also becoming a favorite
big = beeee and is accompanied by arms-open-wide gesture
small - I don't even know how to type what he says, maybe just "maaaaaa", but it's accompanied by thumb and fingers a short space apart held by his nose and his eyes scrunched up
bottle = bobble
flip-flops = be-bop
Kaylee = deedee (this is also what Kaylee called herself for a while)
train = choo-choo
snack = nack (his favorite thing to eat...a nack, nack, nack!)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Baby girl has a name!
So baby-to-be has a name now. Kaylee's suggestion (as I may have mentioned here previously) was Annabelle - surprisingly, a normal suggestion. Her boy suggestion was Zhu Zhu... Andy's suggestion was Bobby, though I doubt he had any idea what any of us were talking about, but after he said it the first time and it was met with thunderous laughter, that was his pick. However, after Jamie and I narrowed down our choices, we let Kaylee weigh in and we ended up with Ella Nicole Caesar.
I was sorting through Kaylee's old clothes this weekend and Andy kept running over and falling onto the piles and/or trying to run off with some. I told him they were Ella's clothes and he would then jump onto a pile while shouting "Lella dohs! Lella dohs!" And if you ask him, "who's in Mommy's tummy?" he replies either "bebe!" or "bebe lella!" (Or sometimes "bebe lella bebe lella bebe lella!")
Poor kid has no idea what's coming. :)
I was sorting through Kaylee's old clothes this weekend and Andy kept running over and falling onto the piles and/or trying to run off with some. I told him they were Ella's clothes and he would then jump onto a pile while shouting "Lella dohs! Lella dohs!" And if you ask him, "who's in Mommy's tummy?" he replies either "bebe!" or "bebe lella!" (Or sometimes "bebe lella bebe lella bebe lella!")
Poor kid has no idea what's coming. :)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Kaylee started her gymnastics class last week and seems to really enjoy it. It's an hour-long class each Thursday through the week before Thanksgiving. Andy likes going, too - we can either go up some stairs to watch Kaylee from a viewing area or we can go to a little area with various toys and books he can play with; last week we did a little of both. Here's Kaylee (& Andy had to get in a photo!) before her first class:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Our Big Boy & a new tooth (teeth?)
Here's our big boy Andy with his two favorite lovies - Ribs & Socks. He's getting pretty good at saying "cheese" and actually smiling, though still more often than not it looks like a funny grimace as opposed to a smile, hah! I can't believe he's already 18 months (and a week). And in just about 4 months he'll be a big brother?!?? He sure is growing up too fast, just like his big sister continues to do!
As of a couple days ago, he has a new tooth that's just started to break through the gums (his lower left canine), and I think today the right one is through, but he doesn't really want me to take a look. And forget about checking the top ones - he just clamps up - but I don't think they're quite through yet.
His 18 month appointment was Friday, 8/17, and he's now 27lbs 9oz and 33" tall - both right around the 75th percentile. Aside from some congestion/runny nose the past week (likely due to the teething; Kaylee always got congested when teething, as well), he is doing well and is a pretty happy little guy most of the time.
As of a couple days ago, he has a new tooth that's just started to break through the gums (his lower left canine), and I think today the right one is through, but he doesn't really want me to take a look. And forget about checking the top ones - he just clamps up - but I don't think they're quite through yet.
His 18 month appointment was Friday, 8/17, and he's now 27lbs 9oz and 33" tall - both right around the 75th percentile. Aside from some congestion/runny nose the past week (likely due to the teething; Kaylee always got congested when teething, as well), he is doing well and is a pretty happy little guy most of the time.

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