We had an ultrasound this morning and everything looks great with our growing baby GIRL! We kept Kaylee home from school so she could come with us (Andy stayed at a friend's house). She told the ultrasound technician that she thought it was a girl and the tech told her she was right! Kaylee's very excited to have a baby sister. According to her, we didn't need a boy because 1-she already has a brother and 2-*she* can't come up with a good name for a boy. We did break the news to her that we weren't going to use her suggestion for a girl name - Annabelle - but she was welcome to name one of her dolls that or name her baby girl that if she ever has one. She seemed fine with that and is now trying to help come up with other names for baby girl. We asked Andy what we should name his baby sister and he keeps telling us, "Bobby!" Hmm. He may not be much help, either.
The ultrasound tech said baby's about 15 oz, and measuring about right for her age. After we were done with the ultrasound we talked to my OB, Dr. Middleton. She had told me a couple months ago that she would be out of town the week of Christmas, so I'd have to schedule the c-section with another doctor. But yesterday she told us that they have since made up the schedules through the end of December and she is on the schedule, so she's changing her travel plans and will likely be able to schedule baby girl's arrival for Friday, Dec 28! We didn't schedule it yet, probably will do so at my next appointment with her in October, but she said that's when she's on the calendar to be available at the Northside Forsyth Women's Center, which is where we'll go again. I'm glad, because she did a great job delivering Andy and fixing me up afterward. I'm sure another OB would do well, too, but I'll take what I know if I can get it. :)
These are two profile shots (I think the same image enlarged) - head on the right, legs on the left.
Left: Another, better, profile image.
Right: Blurry baby rolling around - she was very active the entire ultrasound! The white blur to the left of her arm (sticking up) are the ends of her fingers and her thumb is sticking up, too.
Left: Head on the right/profile from nose down. The dot above her chest is her right fist, her arm was across her body. You can also see her legs scrunched up on the left.
Right: Her arm with hand touching head, back of her head and torso on the left.
Left: Both feet - left foot on the bottom, slightly covering the right foot.
Right: It's a girl! Arrow pointing to the girl parts. Her left thigh is under the arrow, right thigh very hard to see above. (Like she sat on a copier naked. :) )