Andy has 3 phrases that get lots of use lately: Aw, man! Oh, dear! and Oopsie daisy! All are used appropriately and it's so cute to hear him say them.
Andy loves playing with his Buzz Lightyear & Woody toys. The small Buzz doesn't have a helmet, so they often fight over Woody's hat...
Buzz, holding Woody's hat: This my hat!
Woody: No, Buzz Lightyear, that my hat! You no have hat!
Buzz: I no have hat! I no have helmet! Need Woody hat!
Woody: No, that my hat! Need my hat!
They also fight about who can fly...
Buzz, flying: Infinity beyond! Have wings, fly!
Woody: I have wings, fly!
Buzz: you no have wings, fly, Woody!
Woody: I have wings, fly!
Buzz: no way, Woody!
Woody: yes way!
Buzz: no way!
Woody: yes way!
Either of these usually goes on for quite a while. :-)
Andy & Ella shared a bath on Wed. Ella wasn't too sure about being used as a ramp for Andy's cars, but was a good sport.
Kaylee started taking taekwondo this week. She'll be going 3 times a week. Here they were doing kicks & punches, then walking across the floor balancing a disc on their head.