Ella's had a big week! Last Tues her first tooth popped through and she started rolling over from her stomach to her back. Today - 6 days later - her second tooth (bottom middle left) broke through and she started rolling over from her back to her stomach. She also had her first taste of rice cereal tonight. Not sure she was too thrilled with it, but she ate a few bites. I think. There was quite a bit on her face and bib.
Ella also went to the pool for the first time on Thursday, then again on Sunday, when she actually got in the pool for a while. She was exhausted (skipping her final short nap for the day), but overall seemed to enjoy being in the water.
This is from June 10; taking photos for Father's Day cards!
As Ella is getting her first two baby teeth, Andy is getting his final two baby teeth! On Saturday night as I was brushing his teeth, I noticed his top two second year molars have finally come through. The right one probably was just a few days ahead of the left, which had probably just broken through that day. So now Andy and Kaylee both have 20 teeth! Of course when I told Kaylee, she said, "but mine will start falling out soon, so then we won't have the same anymore and he'll have to wait a while until he loses any teeth." Ahhh...always a step ahead, that girl.