Kaylee's second 1st birthday party went well. It was raining, so we didn't put her big inflatable cake in the yard, but otherwise it was fun. :-D
These were round two of the cakes I made. Not bad, if I do say so myself! Pretty tasty, too. Kaylee smashed the cake more at last weekend's party, probably because there weren't as many people staring at her while she did it. But she didn't cry, so that was a definite positive! She actually was pretty happy about the entire time at the party, so yay for that!! Never know how kids will do in a crowd...

After cake, before gifts...playing with her "iPod" (little music player that she's holding in these pics)

Time for presents!!

(Last pic above she opened her new piggy bank toy and was snorting like a pig)
Margaret, Nate, Kaylee and me; Kaylee and her Great Aunt Sharon

Playing with her new loot. Check out the new Ferrari...