Also, Kaylee is DONE WITH BOTTLES. She has not had one since Monday morning. I don't think she really likes having her formula/milk in the sippy cup as well, but I'm tired of washing all the bottle parts and figure it'll either be a battle now or later. She drinks juice and water just fine out of the cups, just doesn't like having her milk that way. Oh, well!! We also just started (last week) the process of switching her to whole milk. Slowly! But she's doing well with it so far - no reactions; we just give her an ounce or two mixed in with mostly formula. (In case you were wondering, I do know this is not part of the switching to cup issue - she would drink cold straight milk or cold formula/milk from a bottle no prob, it's just that she wants the milk in a bottle, not cup.) But she's doing well with it anyway, just drinks it slower than she did when she'd just suck down the bottle in 5 minutes.
Dunno what else to report...we had 3 kids over today and Kaylee had a blast playing with them (boys ages 3 and 5 and a 9 year old girl -- I think on the ages??) I should pay her to babysit, she entertained them the whole time she was awake!!
I can't believe her birthday is in a week!!!!!! Where did the year go?!?
Uh-oh! What have I volunteered for? Looks like I'll need a raincoat and some Mr Clean--Grandpa Jerry
ReplyDeleteJulie, you are doing such an awesome job as a mom! Elena won't touch pasta with red sauce on it, and I'm ashamed to admit she's still on bottles. She uses them for water and juice, but will only take milk from a bottle. I've been trying to get her to use a cup by offering the cup first, but if she protests I give her the bottle. I'm going to pack up the bottles today and take them to a friend's baby shower I'm going to tomorrow. You're doing such a great job!
ReplyDeleteThanks, D! On Monday I just decided I was tired of washing all the bottle parts (5, compared to "only" 3 parts for sippys) and that morning I did cave and give her a bottle when she wouldn't drink it from a cup, but after that I figured it could be a battle now or later, and I haven't given her a bottle since. She would still rather have it in a bottle, I'm sure, as she complains when I say "milk" and give her the cups, but she does eventually drink it (or at least enough to count!). All our bottles are now washed and I need to find a box to put them in - wooo!! :-D
ReplyDeleteoh, yeah, Dad...the raincoat might come in handy at bathtime, too. She likes to "splish splash" - violently!