Kaylee's 12 month pediatrician visit was today. She now weighs 22.5 lbs (71st %) and is 31.5" tall (98th %). I knew she was tall, as she's outgrowing all her onesies and pants in length, but wow! She was 21 lbs at her 9 month appointment - I guess all the walking and crawling really burns calories if she's only gained 1.5 lbs since then, and it's definitely not for lack of eating. There are very few things she won't eat (though she does have preferences for some over others, even of things she will eat, but don't we all??), and luckily she hasn't shown any signs of allergy to anything!! The doc said basically at this point, we're good to let her try anything (non-choking hazard foods, of course, she meant allergy-wise). Wooo!
Her doctor was impressed that she already says so many words (she even called two nurses in to hear Kaylee say "puffs" :-) ) and is signing so many words so well, too. She said usually around 18 months toddlers can point out most body parts, but she wouldn't be surprised if Kaylee's doing that sooner. Umm...she already knows feet and I think nose; maybe more? Are we teaching her things too well?!?? ;-) She is one smart little biscuit...

Erin and Kaylee - milk break!
(from Tuesday)

My grandmother made this little red outfit for Kaylee! (Also has bloomers, but we tried it on over her other outfit today...hence the polka dot pants and top - what she's wearing in the top photos here). So cute!!! It'll be great for the summer!
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