Kaylee's 15 month checkup was this afternoon. She is now 25.75lbs (87th percentile) and 33.25" tall (99th percentile) - growing like a weed!!!
We still love Kaylee's doctor, who said she was super smart, adorable and perfect yet again. :-D She said by 18 months most toddlers can say about 20 words and can point to body parts - Kaylee can already say about 30 words, sign about 20 words, make lots of animal noises when asked (or when she sees a photo or the animal) and knows lots of body parts (and she's known most of the body parts since just after her birthday). So today her doctor told us that at this rate we should probably expect her to be saying two-word sentences by 18 months (she actually already does sometimes..."bye-bye, dada" for example) and talking our ears off by 2 years.
Kaylee was fine - into everything, as usual! - in the exam room until the doctor came in. Then she just kept saying "bye-bye, bye-bye" ... apparently letting us know that she was ready for either us or the doctor to leave!! She did cry a little and want to be held during much of the exam, going back and forth between wanting me to hold her and Jamie to hold her, but of course the doc wasn't the one to do her shots. When the doctor was finally leaving the room, Kaylee said "bye-bye" and signed "I love you." It was so cute!! (Incidentally, she did not sign "I love you" to the nurse who stuck her with the two shots...she just go the super-tearful "bye-bye" a couple times.)
The doctor told us today of the new recommendations that kids stay rear-facing in their carseats until at least two years old. We had already heard that, and plan to keep her rear-facing as long as possible since it's safer for her...for all you out there wondering why we haven't turned her around yet. :) (It's also easier to see her when she faces backwards, since we have a mirror on the headrest she's facing, aimed at our rear-view mirror. Once we turn her around, we won't be able to see her as well.)
We had a super busy morning, with the last class of our Kindermusik summer camp followed by a couple hours at Catch Air with a friend and her 16 month old daughter. We went last week with a neighbor and her 17 month old son. Kaylee had fun last week, but must have gotten an extra energy boost this morning as she was all over the place. I could not keep up!! I have some pictures and videos from last week's and today's adventures at Catch Air, but have yet to upload any...hopefully soon!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Accessories, Hi, Sleeping, Swimming & Drinking
Being goofy last Saturday. Kaylee takes her stacking rings and wears them as bracelets (as you can see, only three actually fit down onto her arm anymore, the other two were just balanced around her hand.) In the other two, I was just trying to get a photo of her in her dress, but she does not slow down, so all are action shots (also notice the new bracelet...it's a frog).

Kaylee and her cousin Lillian (5 weeks old) on Father's Day - Kaylee got down on the floor to say "hi" to Lillian; I thought it was cute. She kept saying it, maybe looking for a response?

This morning we had Kindermusik, then went shopping (3 stores, all in the same outdoor strip mall, but we did drive to each). K fell asleep in the car on the way home (probably less than 10 minutes from home!) from all the excitement this morning. She usually wakes up when we take her out of the carseat, but today she barely stirred. I sat on the couch with her and talked to her some to wake her, but she was completely zonked! So I put her in her crib and she finished up her nap there. She must have been tired, as she slept through lunch and didn't eat until about 1:45/2:00 - usually eats right around noon, if not a little bit before. Afterwards, we got ready for and headed to the pool! She's sporting her new bikini (her first, also), that we just got yesterday from her friend Erin, who's outgrown it. It's already on the small side of fitting Kaylee, but it'll work for a while. With all the pool time we've been logging lately, an extra suit is nice to have!!

A couple shots from at the pool. We were there a little over 3 hours today, and were both worn out by the time we got home.

Kaylee and her cousin Lillian (5 weeks old) on Father's Day - Kaylee got down on the floor to say "hi" to Lillian; I thought it was cute. She kept saying it, maybe looking for a response?

This morning we had Kindermusik, then went shopping (3 stores, all in the same outdoor strip mall, but we did drive to each). K fell asleep in the car on the way home (probably less than 10 minutes from home!) from all the excitement this morning. She usually wakes up when we take her out of the carseat, but today she barely stirred. I sat on the couch with her and talked to her some to wake her, but she was completely zonked! So I put her in her crib and she finished up her nap there. She must have been tired, as she slept through lunch and didn't eat until about 1:45/2:00 - usually eats right around noon, if not a little bit before. Afterwards, we got ready for and headed to the pool! She's sporting her new bikini (her first, also), that we just got yesterday from her friend Erin, who's outgrown it. It's already on the small side of fitting Kaylee, but it'll work for a while. With all the pool time we've been logging lately, an extra suit is nice to have!!

A couple shots from at the pool. We were there a little over 3 hours today, and were both worn out by the time we got home.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Our little fishie
Kaylee and I went to the pool again this morning. The weather and pool temp were perfect, but no one else showed up during the hour and a half we were there! I'm hoping any potential rain holds off until tonight so we can go again after naptime today. We're borrowing a little toddler inner tube from a neighbor and it is great!! The fabric covering the tube has a tank top attached, so the ring stays on even when she's not in the pool. She LOVES being able to swim on her own; she's always wanting down when we hold her in the pool, and I think the inner tube is the only reason Jamie goes to the pool with us anymore - he was getting so tired of always having to chase her around on the concrete.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Catch up ... Ketchup?
Hey - blame it on the laptop that I haven't posted photos in a while. Now I'm spoiled and don't want to sit in my office when I can sit on the couch! I finally loaded Photoshop on here so I can do some photo stuff and upload from here. So now I'm catching up - here are some photos from the past couple weeks...
Who needs water? Here's Kaylee - kicking her feet up with her ipod in the car float, and rolling out of her pool...in the dining room! I was going to put it outside with water, but she was having such fun inside, I figured it was easier cleanup...

But we have taken her to the pool! She enjoys climbing in and out on the steps. Not sure what was going on in the last picture, but I thought it was cute, and love the dress (thanks, Auntie Cheriene!!)

The next three photos were taken while we were listening to a Kindermusik CD - she was dancing and clapping along, but then when the music would stop in between songs (or sometimes just when the singing stopped within a song), she would say, "uh-oh! uh-oh! uh-oh!" and throw her hands up like she was saying, "uh-oh, what happened?" (I say/do that, so I think that's where she got it.) I'm not sure exactly what she was doing in the middle picture - looks like she's hiding something behind her back ("what? huh? I don't have anything!"), but she was just being silly putting her hands back there then would pull them out and say uh-oh again.

One of Kaylee's new things is to stick out her tongue, but she scrunches up her face when she does it...looks a bit crazy. :) Kaylee also likes ketchup. I gave it to her with some hot dog chunks, but she scooted those aside as soon as the ketchup was there and just scooped it up and ate that. I just noticed that it looks like she left a fingerpainted ketchup face on the tray.

Last Saturday we went to my grandparents' house for lunch, and my cousin Jason, his wife Kimberly and their 2.5 year old son Ryker (below with Kaylee) also came, too. They had fun playing with cars and monster trucks for a while.

This is a painting I did for Kaylee's room. I did one each for two sets of friends last week as baby gifts (one for a boy, one for a girl) and I liked the way Kendall's turned out so much that I did the same thing for Kaylee. I actually wanted to do the same colors for Kaylee, but it wouldn't really have gone with her green, yellow, white and black color scheme, so I changed it...
Who needs water? Here's Kaylee - kicking her feet up with her ipod in the car float, and rolling out of her pool...in the dining room! I was going to put it outside with water, but she was having such fun inside, I figured it was easier cleanup...

But we have taken her to the pool! She enjoys climbing in and out on the steps. Not sure what was going on in the last picture, but I thought it was cute, and love the dress (thanks, Auntie Cheriene!!)

The next three photos were taken while we were listening to a Kindermusik CD - she was dancing and clapping along, but then when the music would stop in between songs (or sometimes just when the singing stopped within a song), she would say, "uh-oh! uh-oh! uh-oh!" and throw her hands up like she was saying, "uh-oh, what happened?" (I say/do that, so I think that's where she got it.) I'm not sure exactly what she was doing in the middle picture - looks like she's hiding something behind her back ("what? huh? I don't have anything!"), but she was just being silly putting her hands back there then would pull them out and say uh-oh again.

One of Kaylee's new things is to stick out her tongue, but she scrunches up her face when she does it...looks a bit crazy. :) Kaylee also likes ketchup. I gave it to her with some hot dog chunks, but she scooted those aside as soon as the ketchup was there and just scooped it up and ate that. I just noticed that it looks like she left a fingerpainted ketchup face on the tray.

Last Saturday we went to my grandparents' house for lunch, and my cousin Jason, his wife Kimberly and their 2.5 year old son Ryker (below with Kaylee) also came, too. They had fun playing with cars and monster trucks for a while.

This is a painting I did for Kaylee's room. I did one each for two sets of friends last week as baby gifts (one for a boy, one for a girl) and I liked the way Kendall's turned out so much that I did the same thing for Kaylee. I actually wanted to do the same colors for Kaylee, but it wouldn't really have gone with her green, yellow, white and black color scheme, so I changed it...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Middle Names & Hitting
It's a good thing I like Kaylee's middle name, as I've gotten to use it a lot this past week or so. She has started hitting when she does not get her way (or at other random times) and has also started having to sit in time out because of this. She does not like time out, but I think she semi-understands it. She at least knows where the time out corner is and if I put her there and she gets up right away, I'll tell her to please go sit back in time out and she goes back to the corner and sits down. While she's there I tell her "no hitting" so maybe she'll at least get the correlation. I know she's too young to really get it, and I don't leave her there long, but you have to start somewhere!
Sorry no new photos at the moment...using the new laptop and can't access any right now (need to change some folder share settings, I think).
Sorry no new photos at the moment...using the new laptop and can't access any right now (need to change some folder share settings, I think).
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