July 4 we went to my parents' house for the day. Kaylee spent the morning swimming with Grampa and Gramma (and us), and a bunch more family showed up around lunchtime. First picture below looks like Kaylee's thinking, "what do I do with these?" ...then..."Aaahaha! Wave the flags!!" :-) She was not happy when we took the flags and headband away! (I think in the last of these photos she was watching her shadow wave the flags.)

Fun in the pool...

Kaylee's great-grandfather's (PawPaw) 84th birthday was July 6, so we had a celebration for him on the 4th.

Kaylee had fun with all the necklaces!! Putting on, taking off, putting on...

I love her swim suit, so cute! I hate that we missed it. Stephen sometimes thinks he is immune to the sun and doesn't wear sunscreen. He was really burnt from the pool on Friday so we thought it would be best that we stay indoors Saturday.