Yet again, Kaylee's been in bed chatting to herself (and/or whoever will listen, apparently her blankies and me). Tonight I've heard various things, but what made me smile was when she started reciting the pages from some favorite books. She certainly loves her books, and I love that she does!!
This segue seems random, but you'll see...
If you ask her, "what does Daddy call you?" She answers, "Babe."
If you ask her, "what does Mommy call you?" She answers, "Biscuit."
(well, it's true)
Lately she's started saying what we'd say to her when she sees us. For example, when I go into her room in the morning or after nap, and before I have a chance to say anything, she'll see me and say, "Hi, Bisky!" (or Biscuit) Or when Jamie gets home from work, instead of saying, "Hi, Daddy," she'll say, "Hey, Babe!" -- it makes us laugh.
Anyway, over the monitor, another thing she was just saying was, "Hey, Babe! Hi, Babe!" Maybe she's hoping Jamie will hear and come to get her? (Nah, she knows better than that!)
PS - 2 weeks from today Kaylee will be two!