Here are a few photos from today - a couple egg hunt ones (pre and post) and some from her b-day party. She was VERY excited about her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday cake (yes, I made the cake again this year). From the time I put it out this afternoon until we got to eat it she was saying, "that's MY cake! I eat it now!" That's her and her cousin Nate hugging goodbye in the last photo.
KAYLEE, You are just like like Mommy - she sometimes had Easter Birthdays, too! I'm so glad you had a fun Mickey Mouse party, and finally got to eat the Mickey Clubhouse cake. It sure looks yummy! We love you! Gramma and Grampa.
KAYLEE, You are just like like Mommy - she sometimes had Easter Birthdays, too! I'm so glad you had a fun Mickey Mouse party, and finally got to eat the Mickey Clubhouse cake. It sure looks yummy! We love you! Gramma and Grampa.