Kaylee's 2.5 year checkup was yesterday, and for the first time they measured her on the "big kid" equipment: the scale they stand on and standing against the wall for the measuring tape (which I think is more reliable than lying on the paper that gets crunched then stretched out when they actually measure). She is now 35 lbs (97%) and 37.5" tall (92%)...at her 2 year appointment they measured her as 37.75" which I thought was a little high. At any rate, the measurements should be more accurate from here on out.
On our way to the pediatrician's office, we passed Chick-fil-A and Kaylee said, "I want to go to Chick-fil-A. I don't want to go to the doctor, just Chick-fil-A!" Jamie wasn't going to be home for dinner anyway and I didn't have anything planned, so I told her if she was very good at the doctor we could go, but we had to see the doctor first. She said, "I'm am very good. I want chicken nuggets and fruit." (She doesn't say "I am" but "I'm am." :) ) She was very good, even with a 1/2 hour wait in between seeing the nurse and doctor (I guess that's what happens when you take a 4:30 appointment; they're backed up by then!). At her 2 year visit, she pretty much was weepy or crying the entire time a nurse or doctor was in the room with us, but this time she was happy the whole time, except for some crying for about a minute after she got a shot. They were out of flu shots, so she got the nasal flu mist instead, which I'm sure she preferred!, and just the one shot. She got a sticker at check out then we went to Chick-fil-A and she ate all her chicken nuggets and fruit. They have fall decorations up (scarecrows, pumpkins, etc) and Kaylee was quite excited about that, too. As I ordered, she went over to a big scarecrow display and danced around, so she was quite happy again, shot all but forgotten...until bath time when she saw the band-aid again and told Jamie about how she got a shot, but she was brave.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Too loud!
This picture is from about a week ago; I had to go in and wake Kaylee for school, which the camera flash helped me with.

Saturday night we went to Kani House (a Japanese steakhouse) for Baba's birthday dinner. The chefs clang their spatulas and knives on the cooking surface and it's pretty loud. Kaylee did not like all the noise - she kept telling us, "it's too loud for me!" - and kept her hands over her ears nearly the entire time we were there! Even as she was eating (with her chopsticks, nonetheless!), she had one ear covered. She much preferred the rock garden, fish tank and waterfall in the lobby to the noisy dining room.

Saturday night we went to Kani House (a Japanese steakhouse) for Baba's birthday dinner. The chefs clang their spatulas and knives on the cooking surface and it's pretty loud. Kaylee did not like all the noise - she kept telling us, "it's too loud for me!" - and kept her hands over her ears nearly the entire time we were there! Even as she was eating (with her chopsticks, nonetheless!), she had one ear covered. She much preferred the rock garden, fish tank and waterfall in the lobby to the noisy dining room.

Monday, September 27, 2010
More confirmation
I had my "20 week" ultrasound today - at 19 weeks and 1 day. They schedule it between 18-22 weeks, though the ultrasound technician I saw said it's best to do at 20+ weeks as the babies are more developed and the techs can get all the images they need. I remember we went in "early" with Kaylee, too - around 19 weeks - and they couldn't get what they needed, so we had another ultrasound at about 23 weeks with her. Luckily for the tech, she was able to get the images she needed (and unluckily for me, as now I don't get another ultrasound until possibly near the end - and only then if they're worried about something!).
The tech only printed these three images for me:
Left side: head on the right, hand near face, leg bent with knee near fist.
Right side: head on the left, facing image; body to the right; arms on either side of body with hands near head (think "hear no evil")

Left foot on left side; right foot on right side (though you can see both in each image).

More confirmation he's all boy!
The tech only printed these three images for me:
Left side: head on the right, hand near face, leg bent with knee near fist.
Right side: head on the left, facing image; body to the right; arms on either side of body with hands near head (think "hear no evil")

Left foot on left side; right foot on right side (though you can see both in each image).

More confirmation he's all boy!

Monday, September 20, 2010
No longer just Spanky!
So before we had a name picked out, we (mostly Kaylee) were calling the baby Spanky. Luckily for little Spanky, he now has a real name: Andrew Ryan Caesar! (aka Andy) A few days ago, before we had decided for sure, I was asking Kaylee about a few names. I asked if we should call her brother Andy and she said, "NO! Andy is on my show!" I didn't know what show she was talking about and asked her. She said, "Toy Story!" (Probably her favorite movie.) Ahh, yes. I told her that it's okay to have more than one Andy, but I don't know that she was convinced. The next morning when I asked her what we should name her brother she said, "maybe Andy is okay." Glad she came around!
Monday, September 13, 2010
All better...we hope!
Kaylee still had a fever last night when she went to bed, but she was acting more energetic than Saturday night/Sunday morning. She again climbed into bed on her own, said, "night-night" and went to sleep right away. She slept until 8:30 this morning, so I guess she really needed some sleep! We went in to get her when she woke up and she bounced out of bed like she usually does and was acting normal again. Her temperature was back down to normal and so far she seems to be better. Maybe just a 24 hour thing? In any case, we're happy she's doing well and as long as she doesn't spike a fever later today, she'll be fine to go to school tomorrow (kids have to be fever-free for at least 24 hours before returning to school after being sick). Sort of put a damper on our weekend and we skipped church yesterday, but at least she's not missing any school - and we have today for her to finish recovering before diving back into major activities.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Toddler Bed Update
Kaylee's first night in the toddler bed, after her short crying spell, she slept well and didn't get out of bed until we went in to get her at 8am! She had been awake since a little after 7, but just talked and played in bed. We had told her she could only get out of bed if one of us or a grandparent was with her, and so far she's listened. She took a nap yesterday and stayed in until I got her, and this morning only climbed out of bed once I opened the door and went into her room. She's just woken up from her nap today and I can here her up there talking to her toys, but it sounds like she's still in bed. (Just got her and she was still lying in bed.)
Kaylee's had an off and on cold the past week (thanks, preschool!), and yesterday afternoon she wasn't feeling the greatest again. At 5pm we had a birthday party at Catch Air, which she loves, and she was excited to go, but once we got there she was very lethargic and only played with a couple things. A little boy (smaller than her, probably not too much younger, though) ran up to her and scratched her on the neck and after that it was all over for her. Lots of crying and she just clung to me the rest of the time we were there. I told her we could go home, but she really wanted to stay for the cake (and by cake, I mean frosting). So we stayed - which was a mistake, but at least she got her frosting. She took maybe 2 bites of pizza and ate the frosting off her piece of cake, but was crying most of the time before she got the cake (partly from seeing the cake and not getting to eat it yet).
Once we got home, I gave her a quick bath and put on her pj's for bed. As soon as they were on, she crawled into bed, said, "night-night," and that was that! I don't think that's ever happened (recently)! We usually read a book or two, play a game or sing songs, but she was worn out. She even went to bed an hour earlier than usual and I didn't hear a peep all night. She was even still quiet when I went in to get her at 8am, though she was awake.
This morning she was like a little zombie, and felt really warm. I took her temperature and it was 101.6 - her first fever! :( We gave her some Tylenol Cold a couple hours before nap and she perked up a little bit and didn't feel as warm. I just took her temperature again after nap and it's back up to 101.6 again. Grr. Hopefully it'll pass quickly and she'll be back to her normal crazy self soon!
Kaylee's had an off and on cold the past week (thanks, preschool!), and yesterday afternoon she wasn't feeling the greatest again. At 5pm we had a birthday party at Catch Air, which she loves, and she was excited to go, but once we got there she was very lethargic and only played with a couple things. A little boy (smaller than her, probably not too much younger, though) ran up to her and scratched her on the neck and after that it was all over for her. Lots of crying and she just clung to me the rest of the time we were there. I told her we could go home, but she really wanted to stay for the cake (and by cake, I mean frosting). So we stayed - which was a mistake, but at least she got her frosting. She took maybe 2 bites of pizza and ate the frosting off her piece of cake, but was crying most of the time before she got the cake (partly from seeing the cake and not getting to eat it yet).
Once we got home, I gave her a quick bath and put on her pj's for bed. As soon as they were on, she crawled into bed, said, "night-night," and that was that! I don't think that's ever happened (recently)! We usually read a book or two, play a game or sing songs, but she was worn out. She even went to bed an hour earlier than usual and I didn't hear a peep all night. She was even still quiet when I went in to get her at 8am, though she was awake.
This morning she was like a little zombie, and felt really warm. I took her temperature and it was 101.6 - her first fever! :( We gave her some Tylenol Cold a couple hours before nap and she perked up a little bit and didn't feel as warm. I just took her temperature again after nap and it's back up to 101.6 again. Grr. Hopefully it'll pass quickly and she'll be back to her normal crazy self soon!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Toddler Bed Time!
It's been getting tougher lately for me to lift Kaylee into and out of her crib, and I figure it'll just get tougher as I get further into this pregnancy. So we decided to change Kaylee's crib to a bed. We debated going straight to a full size bed, since we didn't buy the toddler bed rail that goes with her crib (because they wanted as much as some toddler beds cost for just that rail!), but it seemed like too much of a change for her all at once, plus we'd have to buy a mattress and springs for her and just didn't want to do so right now! So we decided to turn the crib into a day bed and use a store bought bed rail on the side (a rail that we can later use on a full size bed if needed). I bought the rail today, took off the front piece (what will eventually be the foot board of her full size bed) and put the rail on. It seems secure and hopefully will work well. Kaylee got in and "tested" it by bouncing and rolling around before bedtime. She was very excited to have a toddler bed now! We were afraid she might climb in and out to play, but she's been up there nearly an hour on her own and we haven't heard a peep since we left. Knock on wood! Of course, she was probably super worn out after a day of school, no nap and a friend's excitement-filled birthday party. The real test might be nap time or bedtime tomorrow!!

Update: seems I spoke (err, wrote?) too soon. After just over an hour, she woke up crying, got out of bed and was wandering aimlessly in her dark bedroom. I put her back in bed and turned on a nightlight, which seems to have calmed her down some; she's still fussing a little, but I think she's staying in her bed...for now...

Update: seems I spoke (err, wrote?) too soon. After just over an hour, she woke up crying, got out of bed and was wandering aimlessly in her dark bedroom. I put her back in bed and turned on a nightlight, which seems to have calmed her down some; she's still fussing a little, but I think she's staying in her bed...for now...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Preschool Prayer
At Kaylee's school, the kids say a prayer before snack and lunch. The teacher told us they'll learn and say a different prayer each month (at least I think she said it changes monthly). Kaylee goes to school Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and she's only gone one week so far. Thursday afternoon and evening she was saying what sounded like a prayer, but just in bits and pieces, not all strung together. I didn't know the prayer but tried to help her piece together what I could - we pretty much put together the first part (all the "God made" things below), but she wasn't saying the "Thank you" parts. Friday after school she was reciting the entire thing in correct order, and she's saying it again now as she's in her crib to go to sleep for the night. Here's the prayer:
God made the sun.
God made the sea.
God made the fish.
And God made me.
Thank you for the sun.
Thank you for the sea.
Thank you for the fish.
And thank you for me.
I thought it was pretty impressive that she already knows the entire thing and is reciting it all the way through correctly after just 3 days of learning it at school!
God made the sun.
God made the sea.
God made the fish.
And God made me.
Thank you for the sun.
Thank you for the sea.
Thank you for the fish.
And thank you for me.
I thought it was pretty impressive that she already knows the entire thing and is reciting it all the way through correctly after just 3 days of learning it at school!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
It's a Boy!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Little Bit Small
I pulled out Kaylee's jeans and pants from last winter to try them on her and see how many still fit. She was actually very cooperative and patient and tried on the 8-9 pair I had out. They were stacked up and she tried them in order and as I pulled one pair of jeans off, she saw the next was a pair of red pants. She said, "I want to try these on first. These are cute!" So we tried on the red pair and they fit, but barely - I told her, "these are a little bit small." She told me no they weren't, I tried to show her how they were and said, "see? They're a little bit small," and she said, "I'm a little bit small, too." I thought it was funny because she 1: apparently really likes those red pants and wants them to fit and 2: tried to convince me they'd fit because even though they're small, so is she. I also wondered if it begins already that she's upset to be having to go up in size??
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