It's been getting tougher lately for me to lift Kaylee into and out of her crib, and I figure it'll just get tougher as I get further into this pregnancy. So we decided to change Kaylee's crib to a bed. We debated going straight to a full size bed, since we didn't buy the toddler bed rail that goes with her crib (because they wanted as much as some toddler beds cost for just that rail!), but it seemed like too much of a change for her all at once, plus we'd have to buy a mattress and springs for her and just didn't want to do so right now! So we decided to turn the crib into a day bed and use a store bought bed rail on the side (a rail that we can later use on a full size bed if needed). I bought the rail today, took off the front piece (what will eventually be the foot board of her full size bed) and put the rail on. It seems secure and hopefully will work well. Kaylee got in and "tested" it by bouncing and rolling around before bedtime. She was very excited to have a toddler bed now! We were afraid she might climb in and out to play, but she's been up there nearly an hour on her own and we haven't heard a peep since we left. Knock on wood! Of course, she was probably super worn out after a day of school, no nap and a friend's excitement-filled birthday party. The real test might be nap time or bedtime tomorrow!!

Update: seems I spoke (err, wrote?) too soon. After just over an hour, she woke up crying, got out of bed and was wandering aimlessly in her dark bedroom. I put her back in bed and turned on a nightlight, which seems to have calmed her down some; she's still fussing a little, but I think she's staying in her bed...for now...
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