What's new with Andy, you ask? Lots of drooling, which started about a month ago, and he likes to chew on his fingers now. Mostly the index fingers, though he'll get a whole hand's worth in there at times, and also seems to like sucking on his fist. So we're often covered in baby saliva, but what can you do? He wears a lot of bibs these days. Easier to change than an outfit!
Also, he's been getting into a pretty good 3 nap/day routine as of the past 2.5 weeks, so it's nice to have a bit more regularity in the day, even if he is still only up for about 2.5 hours max at a stretch (though he missed his late afternoon catnap today and was up about 4.5 hours before an early bedtime).
He has hands down one of the best smiles. Does this kid ever frown? I got to get out the bibs for Carter. I seem to be covered in spit up or drool these days too :)