We're still using Andy's infant tub for baths, since he's not sitting well enough on his own yet to be in the big tub alone. The tub has a more reclined side for smaller babies and a more upright seat side - right now Andy is not doing well in either side. When he's more reclined, he likes to kick out his legs and try to lie flat, which doesn't work and only makes him come close to dunking himself (or he hurts his back on the little hump in the tub). When he's on the upright seat side, he'll sit well for a bit, but then lean to one side or the other and start to slump down into the water. So while he loves bath time, we don't have a good way to bathe him! Then I thought, why not try the bumbo? We took it upstairs for bath tonight and it seems to work well. It keeps him upright and we can wash most of him while he sits, then stand him up to wash the rest of him and put him back in the seat after washing. He's better able to play with toys, and I think he enjoyed it more. So we may have found a new use for the bumbo for a while! Of course Kaylee had to have her turn in it once Andy was out...

He is just too cute!