On 11/21, Jamie took the day off work and we all went to the zoo. Of all the days to go in Nov, we picked the most perfect! The weather was sunny and close to 80 degrees. The other day we were considering going was the following Monday, which turned out to be cool and rainy all day, so we were extra glad we went the week before.
Kaylee loved it! I'm not sure if it was her favorite part, but she really enjoyed the reptile house! Maybe because we spent extra time in there while Andy had his bottle, but she ran around with Jamie and then me as we traded off Andy, and she looked at and showed us all the "HUGE SNAKES!"
***Warning: some snake photos at the end***

Kaylee enjoyed the train...Andy enjoyed his nap on the train.

Kaylee thought these frogs were pretty funny. The first one obviously because it was just stuck to the glass, and the second one because it had its back to the glass with a grumpy look on his face. She said he was tired of looking at everybody.

***Kimodo Dragons then snakes***
The Kimodo Dragon on the left was maybe 3 feet long, including his tail. I forget what the huge Kimodo Dragon was called, but it was super huge - maybe 10-12 feet long (hard to tell from the photo).

***Final warning: SNAKES***
This first snake (1st 2 photos) reminded me of the old snake game where you just try not to double up on yourself - it was a very long snake and was weaving in and around all the little trees in the cage.

Kaylee with one of the HUGE SNAKES (the one pictured just above on the right)