Saturday, March 3, 2012

Soaring temps

Poor little Andy came down with a fever early Thursday afternoon - highest I saw on our ear thermometer was 102.9. I gave him some Tylenol and after 1/2 hour he was acting pretty fussy so I put him down for an early nap. He slept nearly 3 1/2 hours!! (I did hear him moan a couple times, then I checked on him once at about 3 hours in to make sure he was okay - he was.) When he finally woke and I got him his shirt and sleep sack were soaked in sweat. I was hoping his fever had broken, but within an hour his temperature was back up to nearly 101. So we gave him more Tylenol before bed and hoped he'd sleep well.

He didn't wake up overnight, so that was good, but in the morning he was burning up again - fever back up to 102.6 - more Tylenol. I was already scheduled to go to Kaylee's school at 9 to be a Mystery Reader again, so Baba came to stay with Andy while I did that. She put him down for nap while I was gone and he woke around 10:30. The Tylenol was still helping, but he was still warm and not his usual happy self, so I called the pediatrician's office and left a message for a nurse to call back. She told us that since he had no other symptoms, it was likely a reaction to the MMR vaccine he had gotten the week before. I was not even thinking about that, since his appointment was a week before on Tuesday, but she said reactions often don't present until 7-10 days after vaccination - Thursday when his fever started was 9 days later. Seems so weird!! She said unless other symptoms did show up we should just keep giving him Tylenol as the fever persisted, and even if his temperature got up to 104-105 to just switch to ibuprofen and give him lukewarm baths to help cool him down.

Luckily his fever never got very high again - I think after we talked with the nurse, the highest it got was about 101.5. So he took Tylenol before bed last night and again this morning (temp was right around 100), but after his morning nap and then the rest of today (Saturday), his temperature was back to normal and he was acting pretty happy again and has seemed fine. I'm thankful it didn't last longer! It's definitely no fun seeing your baby miserable and not being able to fix it.

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