After we got home and picked up the kids from a friends' house, we told Kaylee and she is SUPER excited. I showed her one of the ultrasound images and she knew it was a baby and asked some questions then asked how they take the pictures from the mommy's tummy...I told her the doctors use a special machine to see inside, etc, then asked her who she thought the mommy was? She said she didn't know. I said, "I'm the baby's mommy." Her eyes got SO huge and she said, "we're having another baby?!??" and when I said yes she danced around the room for a few minutes singing "we're having another baby! We're having another baby!" I should have had a video camera rolling. It was seriously so cute! She then went over to Andy and asked him if he wanted to have a new baby and he nodded and made his "yes" sound. hah!
Shortly after all this, Kaylee and I were sitting on the couch and Andy climbed up, then onto me. Kaylee looked scared and told him to get down, that he was going to break the baby! Protective big sister already??

Awe! Love her reaction!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that Kaylee is so excited about having a new brother/sister. Since the LO was hiding its gender, I'm starting to think that it may be a girl. My little guys weren't shy at all about announcing to everyone their little manly parts! LOL But then again, you could be having a shy guy. :) It will be interesting to see in a few weeks if it's pink or blue. My vote is on pink. :) On another note, I need to get over to your house in the next couple of weeks so I can pick up the stroller from you. Just let me know a good time!