These photos are from Sunday. Kaylee loves eating at the table in non-boostered seats, as you can probably tell from her huge smile. The table photos are from breakfast, before we went to the pumpkin farm (see post below) and the others are from that afternoon/evening at her Great-Grandparents' house.

This last photo cracks me up. She was staring at the fire in their fireplace saying, "hot." We told her not to touch it, because it would burn her and she'd get hurt. So she stood a few feet away, holding out her hand like she is here and making her super-concerned face. Then all of a sudden she'd laugh and run away, then run back and do it again. Silly girl.

***Before you read the next bit, you should know Kaylee still calls the cats "bow" (rhymes with cow); likely because we also call them that now. Okay, on to the story...***
So, speaking of silly, I think Kaylee's started making jokes. Jamie eats hot sauce on his meatloaf and we had it a couple times last week. One morning after we'd had it the night before, Kaylee said, "Daddy hot sauce" (she probably saw it in the fridge when I got her milk and it reminded her). I said, "yes, Daddy had hot sauce on his meatloaf last night." Then she said, "bow hot sauce," and started laughing like it was such a funny idea that the cats would eat hot sauce. Which of course made me laugh, so then she kept saying it and laughing at her "joke." It was pretty funny, but maybe you had to be there... ;)