Kaylee finds it hilarious lately to climb up to the dining room table, grab my sunglasses, put them on then run to show me. Usually I am already hot on her tail, then I grab the camera take a few pictures and take away the sunglasses. Today I pulled out an old pair and put them on the table for her to grab instead of my better ones (none of which are more than $10, so not too worried if she breaks them, though then I'd have to go shopping!). As you can see, she loves posing for photos with them on! And she did put all these on herself - right side up or upside down, she doesn't seem to mind. She stands still long enough to say cheese, then runs over to see the photo, saying, "more DeeDee! More DeeDee!" (DeeDee = Kaylee. She will say "Kay-yee" if asked to sound it out (we're working on the "L" sound), but still refers to herself as DeeDee...)

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