Sunday, October 4, 2009

Speaking of counting...

...I don't think I can count as high as the number of words Kaylee is up to now! At her 18 month appointment the nurse asked if she was speaking at least 5-20 words...umm...probably well over 200 by now. I stopped writing them down about 2 months ago because I couldn't keep up. It's crazy the things she knows, too. What reminded me of all this was just a bit ago I pulled out the butter (well, tub of butter-like-spread that we call butter) and Kaylee said, "hi, butter." I didn't know she knew that word! And she had Jamie's leftover noodle soup for dinner. When I gave it to her, I said, "here's your noodle soup. It was Daddy's soup, but you can have it now." 15 or so minutes later after lots more conversation once she finished eating (the soup, green beans (w/butter!) and yogurt...yes, weird combo tonight) she said, "bye, Daddy soup." A day or two ago when I put her at the table to eat, she pointed at the table and said, "table." And she knows not only "normal" animal names, but odd things like peacock, giraffe, zebra. I think it's great, because she's able to tell us what she needs/wants, it's just crazy that she is absorbing so much so fast.


  1. She is super smart! Beauty and just can't beat it!!

  2. Way to go Kaylee! I really enjoyed the video of her counting.
