Kaylee got a surprise present last night in the mail, all the way from her cousin Elena (okay really Elena's Mommy Diedre ;) ) in California! It arrived just as we were about to sit down for dinner, so Jamie opened it up as soon as we were done, but I had to wipe down Kaylee before she could get at it. The present was in purple gift wrap and I told Kaylee it was from Elena, and she was itching to get at it for the entire 2 minutes (if that) it took to clean her up, saying, "Enena big purple present!" over and over. She finally got to tear into it and that she did! All the practice at Christmas has made her a pro and I think she was into the box within about 30 seconds. It's a super cute yellow bee dress! Kaylee wanted to put it on right away, over her clothes. She was wearing a white turtleneck yesterday, and until it warms up, that's how she'll be wearing it! (Maybe not also with brown pants, though...) Perfect size, too - good for now over the shirt and should be great all summer and into fall, too! Here are the photos of her modeling it. Thanks, California Caesars!! :)

PS - you like her "wings"??? She's auditioning for the role of Bozo in a kiddie production. ;) This dry air and static craziness make her fine hair stick out; it gets crazier as the day goes on and this was just before bed. Speaking of static, every time she touches someone/something and gets shocked she says, "another shock!" Maybe that's what does it to her hair - all the little shocks throughout the day build up and release through her scalp!
Oh my gosh, she's adorable! Thanks for the picture. I can't wait to show Elena the video when she gets home tonight. Enjoy your bee dress Kaylee!